
Wellington Quarter

Lean design provides low-cost, high-quality units on a tight site

This residential development is part of the wider Woolwich masterplan and delivers 116 housing association units including much needed larger size family dwellings.

The structure comprises up to 14 storeys of flat slab construction built on a sloping site with a partial basement for the associated car parking and plant space.

Walsh used rigorous design methods to deliver a flexible column layout to suit the varying floor plans while still delivering a lean design.

The below ground drainage design included provision for the diversion of a public sewer that traversed the site. The pocket park on the southern boundary of the site is designed to work in tandem with the adjacent grade level landscaping of the Woolwich Central Phase 4 site to provide much enhanced public realm space to the local community.

  • Vision Homes
  • BUJ
  • Elite Architects
  • Modebest
  • Greenwich
  • London

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