
Creating A Better Environment for All

We are committed to helping tackle the climate crisis through taking responsibility for the sustainability of our projects from planning, right through to delivery.

We have an in-house team that monitors the carbon footprint of every project we work on, making sure that appropriate measures are taken to meet our own demanding internal targets, as well as our clients. Offering intelligent & simultaneously sustainable projects is a priority for us, and to further ensure effectiveness, we are regularly audited by an external sustainability consultancy.Recently we reached Net Zero for Scope 1&2 carbon emissions, placing us ahead of schedule to reach the UK 2050 Net Zero Target.

Our Journey to Net Zero

To find out more about our approach to creating a more sustainable future for all, please download our Sustainability Mission Statement and Zero Carbon Report which further details our commitments, progress so far, & our plans for reaching the UK 2050 Net Zero Target.

Embodied Carbon Assessments Made Simple with our Bespoke E.C.A.T

Our Embodied Carbon Assessment Tool was created in-house with the aim of measuring, monitoring and reducing the embodied carbon of all of our projects.

We developed and implemented this unique system to regularly monitor our projects and identify opportunities to reduce the embodied carbon of our designs.

This tool allows us to break down the emissions from each aspect of the project, from the foundations, right through to the completion of a building, displaying equivalent metrics to ensure the facts and figures remain digestible to all.

We are currently working within the industry to produce practical guidance on implementing embodied carbon assessments into projects, and advising our peers on how to reduce the embodied carbon of projects throughout the design process.

For further assurance we have commissioned a leading UK university to carry out an independent audit on our assessment tool.

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Some Example Projects

Student Accommodation

Chapter London Bridge

Innovating city student living through MMC [...]

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Student Accommodation

Wembley Park Plot NE01

Using lean design to reduce embodied carbon on large PBSA scheme [...]

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83 Barchester Street

Revitalising a site of industrial heritage for modern living and community-focused design [...]

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Paddington Green Police Station

Wind-tunnel testing and temporary works design reduces high-rise concrete volumes & embodied carbon [...]

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